Install TOMCAT web server
Tomcat pdf
Visit the Apache Website to get the latest information.On the home page, click the link Tomcat 5.x under the heading Download.
scroll down the page until you find the heading 5.5.23, under which you will find
sub heading Binary Distributions.(for ex zip,exe,tar). But the choice of download
may depend up on your operating system.
If you are using windows o.s download either the .zip file(apache-tomcat- or the .exe file(apache-tomcat-5.5.23.exe)
If you are using unix based o.s download the .tar.gz file(apache-tomcat-
Installing Under Windows O.S :-
If you have downloaded the .zip version of Tomcat, simply extract the content
using a file extractor tool (such as winzip or winrar) to the c:\drive.
(After the extraction process is completed, you will find a directory named
apache-tomcat-5.5.23 and a no.of subdirectories under it including a couple of
Note 1 : you may also use the Jar command that comes with JDK, to extract the
content. The command is Jar -xvf
Note 2 : if you wish , you can rename the directory apache-tomcat-5.5.23 with a
convenient and shorter name as tomcat 5.5
Note 3 : directory containing tomcat(c:\apache-tomcat-5.5.23) is called
CATALINA_HOME, and if you want tomcat to work correctly set this variable.
if you have download the .exe version, installation is very easy. Execute the
apache-tomcat.5.5.23.exe either by selecting open or double-click it.
3. The following window would appear on your desktop.
4. During the installation you may have to make several choices such as
Choosing the features of tomcat :- you have the options to select Normal, full ,
minimum or custom, select one among them.
5 . choosing the installation location : default location would be
c:\program files\apache software foundation\tomcat 5.5 (CATALINA_HOME) of course you may also choose the location you want.
6. choosing the port number, username , and password : Default port number is
8080, of course you may also choose the port number of your choice, provide
user name and password.
7. choosing the JVM : Default JVM would be automatically selected, if you have
multiple JVMs installed on your system, provide a suitable path here.
8. click on Install button, then you will see the following windows screen :-
9. finally you will see the following window if the installation is successfully
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